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"Zapping Zone and Level Five. Between the visitor’s experience of the video installation and the filmmaker’s reflection of the essay film."

Arte, individuo y sociedad 35(4), pp.1377-13952023.

“Women’s Essay Film in Francophone Europe: Exploring the Female Audiovisual Thinking Process.”

Quarterly Review of Film and Video 42(2), pp. 375-409, 2025.

Accepted Manuscript


Audiovisual Thinking Process in Contemporary Essay Films (ed.)

Monographic issue. Comparative Cinema 10(18), 2022.

“The Spectator’s Position as a Thinking Space for the Contemporary Essay Film: Face aux fantômes (2010) and Jaurès (2012)”

Comparative Cinema 10(18), pp. 53-75. Spanish version: pp. 139-156, 2022.

"Jean-Luc Godard's Diptychs. Rethinking Cinema through the Essay Film"

Quarterly Review of Film and Video 40(1), pp. 16-55, 2023.

Accepted Manuscript 

"Sans soleil by Chris Marker. The Essay Film and its Cinematic Thinking Process: Reflecting on Postmodernity" 

Studies in European Cinema 21(2), pp. 107-127, 2022.

Accepted Manuscript 



“Sharing the Non-Gaze. Ailleurs, partout (Isabelle Ingold, Vivianne Perelmuter, 2020). The mediated encounter as problematisation of aesthetics and politics of globalisation.” International Conference: Share/Partager. Everyday Aesthetics & Collective Gestures. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 25th-27th January.


"Affective Intermediality in Women's Epistolary Cinema." International Conference: Affective Intermediality. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca, Centre for Cinematic Intermediality and Visual Culture, 20th-21st October 2023.


“Vincent Dieutre’s essay films. Reflecting on Contemporaneity through Self-representation.” International Conference: Personal Perspective and Essayistic Form in Nonfiction Film and Art. Lithuanian Culture Research Institute. Vilnius. 22nd-23st September 2023

“The mediated encounter as audiovisual reflection on ethics and politics of globalisation” International Conference: Visual Evidence XXIX. Documentary Ecologies. University of Udine. 6th-9th September 2023

"Du collectif féministe au cinéma militant : libérer la pratique filmique." International Conference AFECCAV 2023: Collectifs, bandes et collaborations dans le cinéma et l’audiovisuel. Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès / ENSAV. Toulouse 28th-30th June 2023.


“La presencia del aborto en el cine francés. Del activismo feminista al cine militante.Intenrational Seminar: On són les dones embarassades? Reflexions sobre un fals tabú en el cinema i les altres arts. Universitat de Girona. 16th December 2022.


“The Spectator’s Position as Epistemic Space for the Essay Film.” International Conference NECS 2022: Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network. European Network for Cinema and Media Studies. Bucharest 22th-26th June 2022.

"La pensée critique dans le film-essai francophone : entre cinéaste et spectateur.trice". International Conference:  The Essay Film as Critical Thinking. Institut ACTE - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 9th-10th June 2022. 

"Between Level Five and Zapping Zone. The de/construction of the audiovisual thinking process.” International Conference: From the Scenic Essay to the Essay-Exhibition. Expanding the Essay Form in the Arts after Literature and Film. S:PAM – Studies in Performing Arts & Media) of Ghent University, Ghent 27th-29th April 2022. 

"The European Francophone Essay Film and Cinema Movements and Practices." International Conference “EuroMedia2021. The 8th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film." IAFOR London 22nd-25th July 2021

The organisation of the International Conference:


The Essay Essay Film as Critical Thinking

Institut ACTE - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 9th-10th June 2022.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska‐Curie grant agreement No 896941

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