Enunciative Devices of the European Francophone Essay Film - MSCA-IF-2019

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Communication Strategy
"Le film-essai comme pensée critique"
Revue #1257 (4), pp. 74-79.
According to the RRI public engagement principle, as well as to the European Charter for Researchers, the objectives of the EDEF Communication Strategy is:
To ensure the communication of the research activities and results to society at large (general public) in such a way that they can be understood by non-specialists.
To improve the public understanding and interest in the research.
To create awareness and higher visibility of the MSCA Programme and H2020 among the whole society.
To promote young people embark on a scientific career.
In order to attain the previous goals, the EDEF project should build relationships and establish effective dialogues with the following target audiences:
Secondary School students
Future researchers
Film Industry: Professionals and Filmmakers
General public
The messages of EDEF Project sum up the objectives of the project and form the basis of the communication actions subsequently described.
Up-to date of the research
Science in cinema
Essay film: thinking through cinema
Essay film and intimacy
Identity and francophone essay film
Essay film and the spectator’s role
Francophone essay film and critical thinking
Women’s representation in francophone essay films
Communication activities
CS1 – Website, Facebook page, LinkedIn page, Twitter account
CS3 – Newspapers articles
CS4 – Radio programmes
CS5 – TV collaboration
Outreach activities
CS2 – MSC Ambassador – Workshop for secondary students
CS6 – Film screening and debate Essay film and society
CS7 – Conference Essay film and intimacy
CS8 – Seminar Women's representation in essay films

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska‐Curie grant agreement No 896941