Enunciative Devices of the European Francophone Essay Film - MSCA-IF-2019

José Moure - Research Supervisor
He is a professor of Film Studies at Paris 1 University and the director of the master programme Cinéma et Audiovisuel since 2012. He has also been the director of the Institut ACTE , a research unit (EA7539) of Paris 1 University since June 2018 and he has been leading one of its research groups, Cinéma et Conditions des images, since 2014. He was also the director of the Training and Research Unit UFR04: École des Arts de la Sorbonne between 2012 and 2018. Undoubtedly, these professional responsibilities evidence his top-level expertise in research supervision and mentoring, including the supervision of 15 doctoral theses. Furthermore, he directs the collection Recherches cinématographiques at Éditions Classique Garnier and he codirects the collection Caméras subjectives at Les Impressions Nouvelles, confirming his research leadership position in Film Studies in France. His membership of the international scientific committees of L’avventura and Fuera de campo (film and media studies journals) and his teaching activity as invited professor in the master Documental y Reportaje Periodístico Transmedia at University Carlos III of Madrid, as well as his international collaborations through the research group Cinéma et Conditions des images, are proof of his international reputation and scientific contact network. His research work, more than eighty publications and fifty participations in international conferences, focuses on three main axes: film analysis and film aesthetics; film theory and the relations between literature and cinema; modernity and cinema. As mentioned in the-state-of-the-art, Prof. Moure participated in the collective volume L’Essai et le cinéma (2004) with an essential article that represents a defining starting point of the EDEF project. Consequently, he is the ideal supervisor considering his research expertise in most of the different perspectives that the project combines.
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The Institut ACTE (Arts – Création – Théories – Esthétique) and its research group Cinéma et Conditions des images constitute the most appropriate working environment to develop the EDEF project. The research purpose perfectly matches the research group objective: analysing the phenomenon of filmic creation from an interdisciplinary perspective. The researcher will obtain a high-level interdisciplinary expertise from the exchange with its members, organised in five research groups: 1. Arts, Sciences, Societies; 2. Cinema & Images Conditions; 3. Design – Arts – Media; 4. Aesthetics and critic theories of culture; 5. Plasticities, Spaces, Bodies, Temporalities, Sounds. This challenging and stimulating scientific context brings together 58 permanent researchers and 30 associate researchers of different disciplines (plastic and visual arts, sound arts, cinema and audiovisual, media and multimedia, aesthetics and philosophy of art, cultural studies, semiotics, poetics, etc.), from various French and foreign institutions. Thus, the fellowship mobility will allow the researcher to develop the francophone perspective of the project, working with the direct sources of the research corpus and collaborating with its highest experts. The researcher will be an active member of this interdisciplinary and international environment, fully integrated in all its activities and internal meetings. Besides, the Institut ACTE collaborates with different programmes and other research groups: The European Film Studies–The Key Debates international programme (academic book series); the LASLAR group (Université de Caen-Normandie); the Arts: pratiques et poétiques group (Université de Rennes), among others.
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
The Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne is the largest Humanities and Social Sciences University in France and a prestigious international research reference. Its tradition of excellence is at the heart of this university, which is one of the largest centres of research and knowledge in Europe. It has 42,000 students (8,000 foreign ones) and 1,430 members of academic and research staff (100 international visiting lecturers, readers and proffessors), who perform their activities in 14 departments with 36 research centres and groups, and has more than 350 partner institutions, spread throughout the whole world. Paris 1 University has been awarded several projects under FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020 and ERC Grants Programmes.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska‐Curie grant agreement No 896941
© 2020 EDEF